Will it be recorded and streamable later for those who can't make it Monday?

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Thanks a lot for this. I know this is late, and a LOT of aspects of asexuality must be up for discussion, but would you consider addressing the following?

(a) Is there a correlation between a person's general intelligence, and being asexual?

(b) I've read in several online fora that religious people of many faiths tend to have a negative view of asexuality. ( And the seeming irony of being against naturally coming by thoughts and behaviors religions try to mandate has not been lost in the ensuing discussions. The plausible explanation I've seen/ read multiple times is that the religious folks who take this view *want* people to suffer penance for having " sinful" thoughts, and having a free pass is seen as somehow unfair?)

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Thank you for sharing this resource with the community! :) Can't wait to join in the conversation (even if just by listening). <3

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